Local Character brought together the art and talent of 13 community-minded artists in Kitchener to collaborate on art products and build a brand and on online selling platform. We also organized and participated in community art activities together that gave back to the people and neighbourhoods that inspire our artisan work. Local Character was, in part, a pandemic project. At the onset of the pandemic it was quickly obvious that in-person markets and artisan events (an important source of income (and joy) for participating artists) weren’t going to be happening. The same went for community-based arts and culture events. We piloted new products by collaborating together with our different artist skills and engaged the community through pandemic safe arts-based activities. Two years into the initiative, as in-person markets started happening and other responsibilities emerged, the group decided to halt their online store, but still come together to do community and collaborative art whenever opportunities arise.
Contributing Artists: @felt_like_home, @beheredothis, @Jenmetafeminst, @meganalittlestitch, @airlifegreenery, @alloverthemapstudios, @laurapeartmcbride, @claydayspottery, @sewmuchfabric, @wendy.makesstuff, @uberboblz, @cedarandsun, @filbertstudio